Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Silk Heart

Vulnerability, undoubtedly the heart,
as she has worn thin, as the fabric upon her silken shirt, threads turned loose...
torn lining,
strings pulled, a misconception,
drawn back, only to discover,
more deception,
what once was already perceived,
but held in the back of the mind,
a painful knowing, not so well received,
faded the focus, yet uncovering more to find,
the eyes, now aware, now not so blind.
Vulnerability, undoubtedly the heart,
as she has worn thin, struggling to hold together the silken threads,
the fabric of her being,
the shimmer in the gentle cloth,
still shining in her eyes,
torn lining but still seeing,
threads falling loose…
but maybe freeing.
Vulnerability, undoubtedly,
the silken heart worn thin,
but to where one thread ends,
to discover another must begin,
what once was already perceived,
now…now received,
unfading the focus, better more, within to find,
now aware, vividly aware, ready without anger, to leave it behind.

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